Knotting: a little bag with a block design. The last video in this series is published!

Yay! The last video in this series is published on my YouTube channel! The last instructions, how to knot the lower border and decorating it with braids, for example. Also a little design switch to make a kind of ‘standing foot’ by switching back to the original design and making a half zigzag-border. You can choose how to finish the upper border. You can add a zipper with an optional lining, buttons and loops, whatever you like. Maybe you  have some other brilliant ideas yourself, it is all okay!

I hope I inspired you with this series to make bags or purses yourself. Or bracelets. Making a design yourself is so satisfying, you created something unique when you do that! In the knotting menu on this site you can find a thorough explanation how you can make designs yourself, and designpaper that you can use to draw your ideas. It really is not that hard. So just give it a try. Start with something small, look how it goes, and maybe first start with making the bracelets that are on this site at the patterns. I explain there step by step how to work, I teach you how to do the 4 basic knots and how to read the patterns. If you figured that out, you see how it works and you will definitely be able to make your own designs. Just do it!

Next I will do a series about weaving on a little pin loom. This is a small weaving device with which you can create small pieces of cloth very quickly and super easy. You can put them together to, for example, make a scarf, a wrap or a blanket. Really super simple. And again so relaxing to do. One of the fun things is also the effect you can get with yarn with color gradients. It makes that every single piece is a surprise on itself. So keep watching these pages!

But first the finishing of the little bag!


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