The tubular cast on is a way of casting on stitches you can use for a 1-1 ribbing. A 1-1 ribbing is a ribbing that’s knitted by alternately knitting a knit-stitch and a purl-stitch. This cast on provides a tube which you can use to put a cord or elastic through. On top of that it provides a very nice rounded edge and is very stretchy.

Take care you just have to cast on half of the stitches you finally need. And that you knit stockinette stitch. Use a thicker needle than the needle you will use in the end to finish your ribbing.
The basis for this cast on is a provisional cast on. Look at the video on this cast on for a extensive explanation how to make it (to video). Also watch the video that explains how the stitches are supposed to be on your needle if you’re unsure about that. You need this when bringing the stitches together to continue to knit in ribbing. This video shows only the English way of knitting, but it is clear enough for knitters that use the continental way.
Both the video and the pdf are in Dutch. I have English subtitles for this video, so please switch this on in YouTube.
Download the pdf here.